Home Loans

Home Loan

Tailored loans to give you the flexibility and simplicity you require.

Make your NBS Home Loan work for you.

NBS provides options for you to repay your loan faster, top it up if you need more money and even take a break from your home loan payments (subject to a full assessment of your current financial situation).

Understanding your options when your fixed home loan rate is up for renewal can also help make sure you are getting what you want from your loan.

There are many ways you can make your home loan work for you. Get in touch with one of our local NBS lending specialists to discuss how to make your home loan, work harder for you.  

Call into your local NBS branch or phone 0800 101 700. 
NBS Terms & Conditions and Lending Criteria apply.

You can make lump sum repayments totalling $50,000 within a 12-month period on fixed rate loans with no early repayment adjustment.

If you choose a variable interest rate, there are no fees for early or lump sum repayments.

When making a home loan lump sum repayment, you can choose to either keep your regular loan repayments the same (and pay the loan off faster) or reduce your regular loan repayments by keeping the loan term the same.

Your NBS home loan can help you get what you want in life, when you want it.

As you repay your loan, you can apply to borrow more for any purpose, still secured by your house at a competitive interest rate. Talk to one of our local NBS lending specialists about topping up your home loan (subject to NBS Lending Criteria).

  • NBS will advise you when your fixed rate is expiring.
  • You can select another fixed interest rate period or choose a variable interest rate.
  • If interest rates have dropped, you may choose to keep repayments the same, possibly shortening your loan term.
  • Consider splitting your loan across a variable or fixed interest rate or across different loan types.


If your personal circumstances have changed, you may have the option of suspending repayments or restructuring your loan.

Note that any loan deferment only suspends the repayments. The interest will continue to accrue on the outstanding loan balance during that time. Therefore, this option should be considered carefully as the amount of interest accrued will increase your loan balance and consequently increase your repayments.