For the first time, the nose of the Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter has a name – NBS.
NBS, which has already sponsored the regional rescue helicopter for three years, has month increased its support 6-fold for the next two years, to significantly boost the helicopter’s operational funding.
NBS CEO Tony Cadigan says the entire NBS team across its eight branches are all behind supporting the rescue helicopter service because of its incredible value to the region at large.
We’ve supported the rescue helicopter service for three years, but now we wanted to increase our commitment to what is a key community service; a service that touches almost everyone in our region.
“As well as having five of our eight branches in the helicopter’s operating region, our key point of difference, when compared to most banks, is that we put a significant percentage of our profits into our communities,” Tony says. “Most people know we are a major sponsor of the Tasman Mako, but we also support hundreds of other not-for-profit based organisations around our region.”
Paula Muddle, General Manager of the Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter Trust said “having the NBS team able to support us is amazing. It means we can reach new and existing supporters and let them know about our service and the lives we save.”
As well as the financial assistance, the location of the NBS branches is a huge benefit to us. It is great to be back in Golden Bay, while it is also the first time we have had a permanent presence in Murchison. These two communities truly value our service, so we are pleased we can be there through NBS.
“NBS are already talking about a charity golf tournament and running an appeal throughout their branch network for us in March,” she says. ”We’re a very small Trust, so having the NBS staff engaged and ready to help us raise vital funds for our service takes a bit of pressure off us and allows us to put some guaranteed income into our budget.”
Paula adds that now NBS is on board, the Trust is offering up other pieces of helicopter ‘real estate’ to other sponsors.
“As we don’t have a major naming rights sponsor, we have options for several businesses to join NBS and be part of our family of sponsors.”